Transcritical CO2 cooler, distribution network and control system
Lonza Arena, Visp

Visp's new ice rink is dedicated to its ice hockey team, which plays in the Swiss League, the second-highest level of ice hockey in Switzerland. The rink can also be used as an events hall.
Design, manufacture and installation of the chiller that produces the ice and provides air conditioning for the ice rink. Heat recovery from the chiller also meets the building's heating and domestic hot water needs.
615 kW
@ -11°C
piston compressors
of welded pipework
Design and production of a transcritical carbon dioxide (CO2) chiller
615 kW @ -11°C
Condensation on Rhone or well water
Direct pumping of CO2 into the distribution network for ice production.
5 piston compressors, one of which is variable speed
Distribution Network
Installation of the distribution network in the ice rink slab (21,000m of welded piping).
Complete regulation of the chiller to optimise the energy consumption needed to cover the rink's cooling and heating requirements.